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  • Polyethylene oxide (PEO)
Polyethylene oxide (PEO)

Polyethylene oxide (PEO)

  • Product Item : Polyethylene oxide
  • Category: Others
  • Views:1010
  • Product description:Polyethylene oxide PEO PEG
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Poly Ethylene Oxide (PEO) is a non-ionic、high molecular weight polymer with good water solubility and heat formative. PEO is characterized with flocculent、thickening、sustained release、lubrication、dispersing、fiber and water retention, it can be applied to industries like medicine、fertilizer、pulps、ceramics、detergent、cosmetics、heat treatment、water treatment、fire fighting and oil exploration etc. It is non-toxic、non-irritant, and it will not generate residue、sediment and vaporous elements. Its application fields are widely expanded with the development of the new products and its excellent characteristics are gaining more attention from the numerous R&D organizations.



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